Vendor Relations

Sourcing Supply

It is our aim to conduct our activities in the best interest of the University while at the same time creating and maintaining good vendor relations. We rely on vendor visits and information on the latest market developments and product innovation. Competitive prices, quality, and satisfactory delivery are characteristics we continually seek in our vendor relations.

As a general rule, competitive proposals or bids are not required for goods and/or services costing less than $25,000. Request for proposals or bids above $25,000 (if applicable) are solicited from prospective suppliers for their best price, delivery information, and terms. Financial Services Purchasing is responsible for making the proposal or bid award.

Proposals and Bids

The competitive proposal or bidding processes utilized for the procurement of products and/or services are summarized as follows:

  • ALL transactions, including Blanket Orders, processed by Financial Services Purchasing not exceeding $100,000 shall be restricted to Small Business unless it is impracticable.
  • Informal competitive proposals or bids: Amounts from $25,000 to $100,000 may be requested by a University Department or a Financial Services Purchasing Buyer. Informal proposals or bids are secured and documented via email, in writing, or by telephone, whichever is more appropriate for the requested procurement. Written proposals or bids shall be received by the date and time specified but said proposals or bids will not be opened publicly.
  • Formal sealed Request for Proposal (RFP): Written RFPs (aggregate dollar amount of $100,000 and over) are issued by Financial Services Purchasing for the procurement of goods and/or services, and will be posted on our website (if applicable). The RFP evaluations are based on stated award criteria including, but not limited to, quality, delivery and price. Sealed vendor responses to the RFP must be received in Financial Services Purchasing by the date and time specified. Responses are opened publicly on the date and time specified, but only the names of the responding vendors are read.
  • Formal sealed Request for Bid (RFB): Written RFBs (aggregate dollar amount of $100,000 and over) are issued by Financial Services Purchasing for the procurement of goods and/or services, and will be posted on our website (if applicable). Sealed vendor responses to the RFB must be received in Financial Services Purchasing by the date and time specified. Responses are opened publicly on the date and time specified, and the bids are read aloud.
  • Financial Services Purchasing is responsible for making all RFP and RFB awards.

How You Can Help Us

  • Familiarize yourself with our requirements and offer suggestions as to how we can further our cost reductions and service objectives.
  • Keep us informed on your backorder situations, vacation schedules, impending shortages or strikes, and technological advances.
  • Follow through on orders to ensure delivery to us as scheduled. When calling our office, visit with the appropriate Buyer to see if they have an order that you can help expedite.
  • Insist on receiving a Purchase Order number or PCard number.
  • Remember, for purchases over $100,000, departments may request quotations for budgetary purposes only. A formal RFP or RFB form will be sent from Financial Services Purchasing. It is extremely important to respond to all questions and to all requests in the Request for Proposal/Request for Bid. Please be sure to fill in payment terms and FOB points, sign the form and return it within the required time frame. If the RFP/RFB is not returned properly completed, it may be considered non-responsive. DO NOT contact the ordering department during the proposal/bid evaluation process. If necessary, they will call you for any technical clarification.
  • Make each visit a productive one. Meetings between sales personnel and Buyers should be confined to business. We value your time as well as ours.
  • Deal with us in an honest and ethical manner.
  • Review the current Conflict of Interest information.


We suggest visiting the University of Arizona Directory and searching for departments that might be interested in buying your products or services. Contact them and schedule appointments to introduce yourself and market your goods and/or services. This may help you get on the suggested vendor list the department sends to the Purchasing department.

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