How to do Business with the University

Event Start
Event End
888 N Euclid Ave, Tucson, AZ 85719 Room 214 - 216
10 addendees

An opportunity for Vendors and other small businesses to meet with the Purchasing Department. This will provide more insight on the structure of the University, and the Purchasing Department's role in interacting with vendors. Additionally, you will be able to meet the Small Business Administrator at the University.

This event can be attended in-person or virtually. A Microsoft Teams Meeting ID and Passcode will be sent with your confirmation. 

If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Lam, Small Business Administrator, at

Please note: There are two parking garages, Tyndall and Main Gate, that provide hourly parking rates. Both of these garages are closest to the location. Additionally, there are other small parking lots peppered around the garages that offer hourly rates.
